Department of Customer Services

Stored Vehicle Program

All vehicles registered in the City and County of Honolulu are subject to an annual registration fee based on the weight of the vehicle, not the age or value of the vehicle.  If the annual fee is not paid by the expiration date, it is also subject to penalties.

There is a special exemption from the annual registration fees for vehicles that are in official storage on private property.  The storage exemption request must, however, be made at the beginning of the storage exemption period and the vehicle must have a current registration at the time of the request. 

I want to...

To reclassify a vehicle from “street legal” to “stored on private property” status for an extended automobile repair or restoration.
  1. Make an AlohaQ appointment at any satellite city hall on Oahu for a motor vehicle transaction.
  2. Download and complete a Statement of Fact for a Stored Vehicle (form CS-L(MVR) 46).
  3. Bring to your appointment the completed form, the vehicle’s current license plates (both the back and front plates), emblem and registration.
  4. The registration will be stamped to indicate the license plates have been surrendered and the vehicle is in authorized official storage.
    • Keep the stamped registration…you will need it when it’s time to reclassify the vehicle from “stored” to “street legal.”
When the repairs or restoration are complete and it’s time to reclassify a vehicle from “stored on private property” back to “street legal” status.
  1. Make an AlohaQ appointment at any satellite city hall on Oahu for a motor vehicle transaction.
  2. Arrange for the vehicle to undergo a safety inspection at an official Safety Check Station.
    • You may need to have the vehicle towed to the safety check station.
    • Do not drive the vehicle to the safety check station as it illegal to drive the vehicle until you restore the “street legal” status.
  3. The vehicle will not pass the initial safety check because of no license plate or current registration, but if everything else passes the inspection, you will receive a “failed safety check certificate” that will allow the vehicle to get registered.
  4. Bring to your appointment at the satellite city hall:  previous registration stamped “storage”, recent “failed” safety inspection certificate, and payment for annual registration, new plates and emblem fees.
  5. Take the updated registration and license plates back to the safety check station to receive an updated “passed safety check inspection” form and emblem for your vehicle.

The vehicle must be a bona fide antique as defined in Section 249-1, HRS.
“Antique motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle of the age of thirty-five years or more from the date of manufacture, that is of the original factory specification or restored to the original specifications in an unaltered or unreconstructed condition, operated or moved on the highway primarily for the purpose of historical exhibition or other similar purposes.

1. Last issued registration.
2. Safety inspection.
3. Antique vehicle certification letter from DMV’s Motor Vehicle Control Section. (Appointments only)
4. Notarized statement of fact affidavit from registered owner for the period of the vehicle’s non-use to be exempted from back taxes and penalties. (Not required if vehicle is currently registered)

“Special interest vehicle” means a vehicle of any age that, because of its significance, is being collected, preserved, restored, or maintained by a collector. The term includes a street rod vehicle and a street rod replica vehicle, as those terms are defined in Section 286-26.5, HRS; a vehicle manufactured before 1968; and a vehicle manufactured after 1967 to resemble a vehicle manufactured before 1968.  

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