FAFSA Hawai'i Hotline

Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Call (808) 842-2540 through May 31 for local FAFSA assistance!

Callers will be able to speak directly with counselors and financial aid specialists to assist with any questions they may have regarding the FAFSA process by dialing (808) 842-2540.


FAFSA Assistance Webinars

All are welcome to attend these webinars for general FAFSA assistance! Whether you would like help creating your FSA ID, making FAFSA changes or corrections, are seeking to complete your FAFSA, or just have a question, join us virtually for all things FAFSA!

Wednesdays in May, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.

May 15, 22, 29

Questions about these events, the FAFSA, or college planning?

Email FAFSA@hawaii.edu year-round!